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Tips on How to Co-Parent Your Children

Tips on How to Co-Parent Your Children


Co-parenting in the aftermath of a divorce can be challenging, especially if you and your former spouse have many unresolved issues and anger towards one another. For your children’s benefit, however, it is imperative to set aside your personal problems and focus on the needs of your children. Although you are no longer a couple, you are still their parents and need to show some teamwork in raising and nurturing them. Your children are the one thing you will always have in common, so keep your attention on them and away from anything that might prevent you from being an effective co-parent.

This might feel like a tall order for some, so here are some tips that can help you and your former spouse become better co-parents:

  • Use a professional tone: You probably have co-workers whom you do not like, but are still able to cooperate with to accomplish certain tasks. Think of your former spouse as a co-worker you do not necessarily like, but must get along with to achieve your goals. In this case, your goal is to raise your children and ensure they are happy, healthy, and thriving. Use a professional tone and avoid getting involved in discussions that are personal, much like you would in a work environment.
  • Keep each other updated: Do not try to keep information about your children hidden from your former spouse. If the court awarded you joint custody, it does not matter which parent is the custodial parent – you should both have access to information regarding your children. If they are experiencing trouble at school or have medical issues, these are topics that need to be discussed with your co-parent, so make sure to keep one another updated.
  • Do not argue in front of your children: You will likely argue and disagree at some point. No one expects either of you to be perfect and to never be at odds with one another. However, you should keep this away from your kids and avoid making them feel like they are smack dab in the middle of things. Stay calm in front of your children and, if you must, argue when it is just the two of you. Additionally, never have your children act as messengers on your behalf.
  • Create consistent household rules: Your children will spend time under both of your roofs and, to minimize stress and confusion, you and your co-parent should decide on common household rules, such as establishing a bedtime or certain foods that are off-limits or moderated.

Contact an Experienced Family Law Attorney Today

If you are dealing with a family law issue, such as child custody or visitation, you need an attorney to help you navigate this situation and help you achieve the results you are fighting for. At Shelander Law Offices, our divorce team will provide exceptional legal services and guidance to help you tackle your family law matters.

Call us today at (409) 204-0895 to request a confidential case review.
